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DAC Dyestuff (Dyexcel Aluminum Color)
November 30, 2016
Anodized Aluminum dyes 鋁陽極處理專用染料
DAC COLOR is the water-soluble dye with high color value, good light fastness, and heat resist fastness for aluminum anodizing films.
Environment Safety – Products under SGS / RoHS Regulation.
Dyezol Brilliant Blue ED-G
December 31, 2016
New Reactive Dye
ECO-friendly middle temperature reactive dyestuffs for middle to deep shades, brilliant greenish royal blue.
1. Medium temperature (60℃) dyeing
2. Reactive Blue HE-GN (C.I. Reactive Blue 198) shade
3. High textile fastness
混紡新應用SFH活性染料 (T/C一浴兩段染色)
December 31, 2016
Dyexcelon SFH
Polyster/Cotton Blended
(One Bath Two Steps)
新型活性染料 (中性反應染色 方便迅速)
November 30, 2016
Dyexcelon CN
Neutral-fixing Reactive Dyes,
High-temperature dyeing, without alkali
Polyster/Cotton Blended (One Bath One Step)
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