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Noval Eco-Friendly Reactive Dyes - For Blended Fabrics
Save Time, Water, Money and Natural Resources
Dyexcelon CN
Neutral-fixing Reactive Dyes,
High-temperature dyeing, without alkali
Polyster/Cotton Blended (One Bath One Step)

Dyexcelon Yellow CN-4G
Dyexcelon Yellow CN-ML
▋Dyexcelon Yellow CN-EX(N)
▋Dyexcelon Red CN-3B
Dyexcelon Red CN-7B
Dyexcelon Blue CN-FL
Dyexcelon Blue CN-BL
▋Dyexcelon Blue CN-MG
Dyexcelon Dark Blue CN-R
Dyexcelon Turquoise Blue CN-2G
▋Standard trichromy for pale shades, depth in 1%
C.I. No.
Reactive Yellow 164
Reactive Red 221
Reactive Red 237
Reactive Blue 216
Reactive Blue 217
Reactive Blue 227
Dyexcelon SFH
Polyster/Cotton Blended
(One Bath Two Steps)
Dyexcelon Yellow SFH-G
Dyexcelon Yellow SFH-L
▋Dyexcelon Yellow SFH
Dyexcelon Red SFH-G
Dyexcelon Red SFH-B
▋Dyexcelon Red SFH
Dyexcelon Blue SFH
Dyexcelon Blue SFH-GN Dyexcelon Blue SFH-R
▋Dyexcelon Navy SFH
Dyexcelon Turquoise SFH
Dyexcelon Black SFH
▋Standard trichromy for deep shades, depth in 3%

C.I. No.
# The shades displayed on this website are intended to convey the general characteristics of the product and do not illustrate the actual appearance of the finished dyeing. Due to differences in computer monitors, screen resolution, graphic cards and web browsers, the colors displayed on this website will vary.
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